Thursday, November 29, 2007

Recreational Reading

Here's an excerpt from Howard Snyder's The Community of the King.

"What then is the Kingdom of God? It is Jesus Christ and, through the Church, the uniting of all things to him. For the present it is the growth in the world of the grace, joy, health, peace, and love seen in Jesus. The Kingdom is both present and future, both earthly and heavenly, both hidden and becoming manifest. It is as concrete and this-worldly as the dust on Jesus' feet or the Galilean wind in his hair; it is as costly as the crucifixion, it is as heavenly as the risen Christ sitting at the right hand of the Father. 'It is expanding in society like the grain of mustard seed...; working toward the pervasion of society like the leaven in the lump.' Its truths and values are those taught and lived by Jesus Christ and delivered to the body of his followers. But this Kingdom can become fully manifest only when Jesus Christ returns to earth."

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