Sunday, April 13, 2008

Ho hum

I haven't written in a while. I think it's because I don't have anything new or exciting to share! I let my car stretch her legs out on the open road this week on a trip down to Odessa, Texas. Visiting with Esther gave me a renewed spirit. (She moved down there while I was in Spain, and she wasn't going to get a chance to come up to Alb. any time soon, so I went to visit!) We hung out, did some work, I got to meet her friends, have some girl talk, and I got to experience Odessa in its splendor. I enjoyed showing her all my photos from Spain and telling stories that go with them. That's been my favorite part since being home. The people who are genuinely interested in hearing, and those who are willing to take the time to sit down and actually listen. =) Her youth minister at her church joined us, so that was fun. I remember when she first got hired as the Children's minister down there, and we were excited because we were both working in our "first" ministries. I think we've both learned that whether it's a good situation or a bad situation, God can use us and we can learn. Always.

I've also been sharing little anecdotes from Spain with the youth group at church. Every Sunday night, Ben gives me the opportunity to share. I've talked with them about my first few hours in Spain being lost at the airport, and I shared with them about going "fishing for men" with Pilar in the plaza. Tonight I'm going to talk about how I got to mix and pour cement Casas por Cristo style in Spain. How God can use all the gifts and experiences we have to serve Him. How we are uniquely built little people who have so much to offer Him. I enjoy these times of sharing because the room full of mid and high schoolers are actually quiet. They listen. I think it's out of genuine interest. That's nice.

In regard to what I'm going to do next, I think getting a job and staying in Albuquerque is lowest on the list. We'll see. I think in order to make a true decision, I have to seek God more. Until I get my act together enough to do that, no decisions can be made.

This week I'm off to Vegas to work a horse show with my brother. We're driving. Total of 7 days. I'm supposed to put five dollars on Red for Barb. Any other bets?


Sara said...

My money's on you! Good to hear the update, even if you don't feel there is one! We love you!

So this is what i want you to do, God helping you. Take your everyday ordinary life--your sleeping, eating, going to work, walking around life--and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what he does for you is the best thing you can do for him!

Kristin's Blog said...

Lisa and Louis in the car for 7 days! I put my bet on it that Lisa physically harms Louis by day 3! Does $20 sound good!

I am so glad to hear that all is going well! Keep up the good work and allow God to whisk you away to wherever he wants you to go!