Friday, March 28, 2008

Back in the 505

Hi Everyone!

I've just about been back for a month already (time is still flying by!). I've been quite overwhelmed with hearing about how many people were reading my blog and how much you all have enjoyed it. Now, I realize I'm no longer in Spain, but if you're still hungry for some good blog reading, I'll continue to write. I've also added a section to the right with links to some other good blogs and sites you might enjoy.

People keep asking me two questions. How are you adjusting to life back home again? and What are you going to do now?

Both questions are somehow better left as questions because the answers aren't all that interesting. I've been spending alot of time in my pajamas. Trying not to overload my schedule and just taking things slowly. I'm enjoying catching up with loads of people over lunches and dinners and hearing about the things that have gone on here in people's lives. I've also been getting back into some things at church. The youth group is starting to fund raise heavily for this summer's trip to Christ in Youth in California, and I got to help out with the Living Last Supper production they did last week. I'm quite excited that God brought me back just early enough to be involved in those things I thought I was going to miss!! And to earn some money while I'm here, I'm working with my brother at Zia at whatever sporting event they need to sell merchandise at next.

As for what I'm going to do next, I've petitioned prayer from anyone interested as I sort through the options. I don't want to feel pressured, like I have to make a decision today about where to go next. I have my moments of stress about it, but after a conversation with a lady at church, she reminded me about how EXCITING it is having the whole future wide open and being able to have options and choose. I feel like the options I have are all wonderful, challenging, useful for God, and fun for any one would be great! I need to just choose one and tackle it!!

So there you go. I'm really excited about the opportunities God has given me to talk about my trip, the things I've learned, the ways I've seen God work. I'm going to be able to share with alot of people, and in that, the trip continues and is still applicable. Isn't that why we go on adventures and experience things? So we can tell others about it and hopefully spark a bit of fire in them also?


Kristin's Blog said...

Welcome back to blogger...I missed you!

Karl said...

Tbone! I'm so glad you're going to continue blogging. Also, thanks for putting a link to my blog, that made me smile so much. You can definitely count on me for praying for God's direction in your life.
Love ya sis,