Friday, February 15, 2008

Prayer Day in Talavera

We're loading up in the hippie van tomorrow at 9am to travel about an hour or two to Talavera de la Reina to have prayer day at the church of one of the Weccers. I'm excited!! I get in these places where the number of things to pray for and the needs around me pile up to where prayer seems such a daunting task! If I truly talked to God about all the things I want to and need to, it would require all day every day. It seems too much. So I've made a huge long list of things to pray for tomorrow and I'm looking forward to doing it. Talking to God about these things and bringing them to Him. Marriages that are having trouble, families torn apart because of the decision to follow Him, futures and plans and ministry ideas that tons of people have that just want to see God do amazing things, new relationships and old friendships, and basic needs people have in their lives, people that need Jesus (yes, Britney Spears is on my list). Woot!

In the meantime:

Real Madrid beat Valladolid on Sunday 7-0. The game was fun and loud and anytime there's 80,000 people yelling and watching some of the best soccer players in the world play you're going to have a good time!

Notice the lack of seats behind us, we were at the very top!

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