Tuesday, February 5, 2008

La Predicadora

I'm on the schedule to preach in church on March 9th. My brain is busy trying to figure out what the best thing to share is. 10 minutes or so (with translation means it gets to be shorter than normal.) to sum up things I've learned on my trek to Spain? What the fledgling little church would benefit from hearing me say? What do they need to hear? What do I have to share? The way God blew my world wide open when he brought me here? The hugeness of His faithfulness? The beauty that is His Church. The courage we have in being His children? The list that grows daily of ways He's answered my prayers? The hope we have that is an anchor for our souls? I feel like I could ramble for hours on any one of those subjects...but to make it precise and articulate and simple? Is it okay to figure out what to share and then find a scripture that illustrates it? or should it be the other way around?

And I get to do it in Spanish! Let's just throw that little tidbit in there.

By the way, on Thursday I will be going to spend the weekend at Betel. Betel is a WEC International ministry started right here in Madrid that offers a drug addiction recovery program. The whole program fascinates me, not because of the amazingly hard work it is, or the fact that the Betel church is the biggest in Madrid, but also because it works. They receive heroine and cocaine addicts and so much more and they introduce them to a community living situation, peer motivation, and actual working jobs and the addicts not only get clean, but they come out the other end positively contributing members of society. And they know Jesus! I am excited to go see it up close and personal, where the magic happens. In the meantime, check out their website. BETEL! If you don't read Spanish, you might need to just read up on what they are doing in America, Australia, or England.

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