Thursday, December 6, 2007

Constitution Day

Today is a National Holiday in Spain, Constitution Day. I've now been awake for nearly 30 minutes and I haven't heard one sound on the street. There aren't the normal people out for their morning paseo, nobody running to get to work or class on time. It's quiet! However, I did hear the faint ringing of the church bells summoning people to 10am mass.

On December 6th, 1978, 67% of the Spanish people turned out to vote on the referendum approving the newly drafted Constitution. The result was 88% in favor! They were ready to make a turn into the future and leave the years of the Franco era behind them. After Francisco Franco's death in 1975, the leaders of the government made swift changes to ensure the future of Spain would be one of prosperity and liberty and democracy.

The Preamble to the Constitution was written by Enrique Tierno Galvan and reads like this:

The Spanish Nation, wishing to establish justice, liberty and security, and to promote the welfare of all who make part of it, in use of her sovereignty, proclaims its will to:

Guarantee democratic life within the Constitution and the laws according to a just economic and social order.
Consolidate a State ensuring the rule of law as an expression of the will of the people.
Protect all Spaniards and all the peoples of Spain in the exercise of human rights, their cultures and traditions, languages and institutions.
Promote the progress of culture and the economy to ensure a dignified quality of life for all
Establish an advanced democratic society, and
Collaborate in the strengthening of peaceful and efficient cooperation among all the peoples of the Earth.

Consequently, the Cortes approve and the Spanish people ratify the following Constitution.

This turning point was an exciting time in Spain. The bitterness from the dictatorship of Franco still lasts today, though, so they have more healing to endure.


Kristin's Blog said...

I have learned so much about Spain Lisa! It's like History class all over again! Our birthday's are next week! Happy early 27 from your older beautiful cousin!

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa, this isn't the point of your post, but I was wondering if you've gone to any masses.

Just curious,

P.S. - Reed says, "I love you. And I hope you're having fun in Spain. Ummm....from Reed (long pause). Bye."